Structual Adaptations
There are many different spiecies of frogs, each of which are adapted differently to the enviroment. Each differnt frog can be a different colour. Frogs have smiley thick skin to pretect them from injuries and diseases. Frogs also have long stickey tounges to capture insects, also small teeth to hold the prey so it can be swallowed. Fogs also have eyes that have no bottoms, this is so the frog can drop its eyes into its mouth once its eyelids are closed to help swallow food. Frogs also have long strong legs that allow them to hop fast and far. Additioanlly, frogs have webbed feet and hands to help swim. Furthermore the body shape of the frog is designed to move easilly across water.


The pictures demonstrate some adaptations. Slimey skin, long legs and webbed feet and hands.